Our Values

Quality comes first in everything we strive to do. Each of our most valued assets, our associates, is committed to the continuous improvement of our Quality Management System.

At the core of Delevan’s success is an operational excellence initiative and a comprehensive business management approach designed to drive world-class performance. Operational excellence begins with customer input and communication. By understanding what the customer truly values in the products and services we provide, we are able to focus our improvement efforts on the critical processes that provide value to the customer. As we make significant improvements in the Quality, Delivery and Cost of these processes, we satisfy our customers more thoroughly and consistently. Customer Satisfaction translates into long-term business relationships between our customers and Delevan.

Delevan is committed to operating our business with integrity, and we have a reputation for dealing honestly and fairly with our business partners, customers, associates and competitors. Our commitment to integrity and our reputation is the foundation for Delevan's success.

Delevan is a proud member of the Greater East Aurora Chamber of Commerce and an active participant in its’ Business Education Alliance. We are a global company that strives to increase the vibrancy and vitality of the local community we call home.